Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rockhoppper Cheats

There are free items aboard Rockhopper's ship, the Migrator. The free item is a treasure map background. The other items can be bought by membership. To find these items, locate the map at the lower-right hand corner of the screen. To find the Hidden Item, the Porthole, click on the "x" on the Wall Map.If you go to the Notice Board in the Captain's Quarters, you should see a white puffle in one of the images! And there's one more cheat that I can't show the picture of, since I wasn't fast enough. A few moments ago, there was a glitch on the side of the Migrator. It flickered into the word "Migrateur", which is the French word for Migrator. Sadly, Club penguin has fixed the glitch.

However, next week the Club Penguin Staff will update more about the mysterious white puffle! Remember to check out the Blog!

-Lucylovely63, CP Cheats Zone President
P.S. I'm going to wear my outfit right now!


  1. Thanks for telling me the cheats Lucylovely! I don't know of anymore cheats.

  2. ...ok, is there a person who knows some more cheats?
